As you prepare all your technology for the school year, here are some quick tips and answers to our most frequent questions:
🔥 Is your SMARTBOARD screen not showing up in full screen? There is an easy fix for that - CLICK HERE
🔥 Are you having trouble setting up your DISPLAY using duplicate/extend mode? Check out this 4 min video for a quick reminder - CLICK HERE
Here are your options:
2 screens (your laptop and smartboard) - you will select "duplicate" mode
3 screens (your laptop, smartboard, and extra-large screen monitor) - you will select "duplicate" for laptop/smartboard and "extend" for extra monitor
🔥 What do I do with the Extra monitor I was given for hybrid instruction? The extra monitor is still useful for day-to-day instruction and management. Use it for your own personal screen (the information on this device will not be seen by your students). For example, pull up your email, aeries, lesson plan, etc. This screen will also be useful when we launch GoGuardian classroom management software (stay tuned).
🔥How do I get the sound to come out of the SMARTBOARD speakers? Don't forget to change your output to SMARTUF. Go back to your DISPLAY SETTINGS and select sound
Change the output to SMARTUF. (Tip: there is no extra cord for the speakers to work. The HDMI cord you have plugged into your computer/smartboard also carries the sound. Make sure the "blue box" is ON with a GREEN LIGHT and volume is turned up.)
🔥 If you're using the HOVERCAM, just plug in the orange cord and open the HoverCam software. Since your in duplicate it will show up on your SMARTBOARD for your students. So much easier when we don't have to Zoom!
If you have any trouble let me know.